Photosensitive Glass And GlassCeramics
[PDF] Photosensitive Glass And GlassCeramics Ebook
Photosensitive Glass And Glass Ceramics Crc Press Book
Photosensitive Glass And Glass Ceramics 9781498745697
Photosensitive Glass and Glass-Ceramics - CRC Press Book Photosensitive Glass and Glass-Ceramics - CRC Press Book. This book will discuss how glass and glass ceramic interact with light, both transiently and permanently. Ways that light permanently alter the properties of glass and glass ceramic like the color, refractive index, and mechanical and chemical behaviors will be included. Session 7: Photosensitive Glasses and Glass-Ceramics The ... / Session 7: Photosensitive Glasses and Glass-Ceramics. ... where the additions of elements forming the needed silverhalide crystals induce photochromic behavior in certain glass compositions. Similarly solarization is the unwanted colorization of a glass or glass ceramic due to short wavelength radiation interacting with the material. Photosensitive Glass and Glass-Ceramics - "Photosensitive Glass and Glass-Ceramics is a great balance of the underlying physics, chemistry, optics, and glass structure, thoroughly described in an easy-to-read style by an unquestioned authority on the topic. It is a must-read for any one working in photosensitive glass and glass-ceramics."John Ballato, Clemson University, South ...
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